境界線のないアートの作成: Procreate と Photoshop のデュアル互換ブラシ
進化し続けるデジタル アートの世界で、クリエイティブなプロフェッショナルはソフトウェア プラットフォームの制限を超えられるツールを求めています。Procreate と Photoshop の両方を使用するアーティストにとって、ブラシの互換性の問題はしばしばイライラする障害になります。しかし、デュアル互換ブラシの出現により、アーティストはこれら 2 つの人気のあるソフトウェア プラットフォーム間でシームレスに創造性を探求できるようになりました。この記事では、デュアル互換ブラシの概念、その利点、そしてアーティストが境界のないアートを作成する方法にそれらのブラシがどのように革命を起こすのかについて説明します。
デュアル互換ブラシは、Procreate と Photoshop の間で互換的に動作するように特別に設計されたデジタル アート ツールです。これらのブラシを使用すると、アーティストは両方のプラットフォームで同じブラシ セットと設定を使用できるため、ソフトウェアを切り替えるときにブラシを再作成したり設定を調整したりする必要がなくなります。
デュアル互換ブラシは、Procreate と Photoshop のブラシ エンジン間のギャップを埋める独自の構成を利用しています。これらのブラシは、両方のソフトウェアの動作と機能にシームレスに適応するように注意深く作成されており、アーティストにとって一貫した信頼性の高いエクスペリエンスを保証します。
最高のデュアル互換ブラシ 25 選
1.ProcreateとPhotoshop用のWingスタンプ – スタンプ20個
子供向けのイラスト、グランジ スタイルのイラスト、コミックやリアルなプロジェクトに至るまで、あらゆる種類のプロジェクトで Procreate でこれらのブラシを使用するのが気に入るはずです。
ブラシを使用するには、ブラシを選択し、ペイント ツールを選択して描画するだけです。
ストロークの色と幅を簡単に調整できます。Procreate および Photoshop 用のウィング スタンプ – 20 個のスタンプ
ブラシやブラシを使って作成した作品が気に入ったら、遠慮なく共有してください。Procreate および Photoshop 用の Wing Stamps – 20 スタンプ
これらのブラシは Procreate 専用であり、Pencil または互換性のあるスタイラスで使用できます。
ファイルをダウンロードし、ファイルに移動してコンテンツをプレビューすると、ブラシ ファイルが表示されます。それをクリックすると、iPad の Procreate にインポートされます。
2. Procreate および Photoshop 用のビニール ブラシ
このセットには、クリエイティブ プロジェクト用の Procreate と Photoshop 用のビニール ブラシが含まれています。
子供向けのイラスト、グランジ スタイルのイラスト、コミックやリアルなプロジェクトに至るまで、あらゆる種類のプロジェクトで Procreate でこれらのブラシを使用するのが気に入るはずです。
ブラシを使用するには、ブラシを選択し、ペイント ツールを選択して描画するだけです。
ストロークの色と幅を簡単に調整できます。Procreate および Photoshop 用のビニール ブラシ
ブラシやブラシを使って作成した作品が気に入ったら、遠慮なく共有してください。Procreate および Photoshop 用のビニール ブラシ
これらのブラシは Procreate 専用であり、Pencil または互換性のあるスタイラスで使用できます。これらのブラシは、PHOTOSHOP や ILLUSTRATOR では機能しません。
ファイルをダウンロードし、ファイルに移動してコンテンツをプレビューすると、ブラシ ファイルが表示されます。それをクリックすると、iPad の Procreate にインポートされます。
これは、肖像画の描画に役立つProcreate 用の 20 個のフェイス シャイン ブラシのセットです 🙂 時間を節約しましょう。
- 20本のシャインブラシ
- アップルのiPad
- iPad用Procreateアプリ
4. 10 個のオイル ブラシの作成
10 Oil Paint Brushes for Procreate are great tools for oil painter. Use your Ipad as you would paint with real oil brushes.
You will get:
- 10 procreate brushes for oil painter
5. Traditional Texture Brushes – Photoshop + Procreate
In this set, you will getTraditional Texture Brushes – Photoshop + Procreate for creative projects.
You will love to use these brushes in Procreate on any kind of project, from illustrations for kids, grunge style illustrations, comic and realistic projects.
To use the brushes simply choose a brush, select the paint tool, and draw.
The colour and width of the strokes can be adjusted easily.Traditional Texture Brushes – Photoshop + Procreate
If you love the brushes or creation what you’ve made with them, don’t hesitate to shareTraditional Texture Brushes – Photoshop + Procreate
These brushes are ONLY for Procreate and for use with Pencil or compatible stylus. These brushes DO NOT WORK IN PHOTOSHOP or ILLUSTRATOR.
Download the file, Go to the file, preview the content, you will see brushes file, click on it and it will be imported to Procreate at your iPad.
6. Stubble and Beard- 14 Brushes – Procreate & Photoshop
In this set, you will getStubble and Beard- 14 Brushes – Procreate & Photoshop for creative projects.
You will love to use these brushes in Procreate on any kind of project, from illustrations for kids, grunge style illustrations, comic and realistic projects.
To use the brushes simply choose a brush, select the paint tool, and draw.
The colour and width of the strokes can be adjusted easily.Stubble and Beard- 14 Brushes – Procreate & Photoshop
If you love the brushes or creation what you’ve made with them, don’t hesitate to shareStubble and Beard- 14 Brushes – Procreate & Photoshop
These brushes are ONLY for Procreate and for use with Pencil or compatible stylus. These brushes DO NOT WORK IN PHOTOSHOP or ILLUSTRATOR.
Download the file, Go to the file, preview the content, you will see brushes file, click on it and it will be imported to Procreate at your iPad.
7. Stand ART BRUSHES for Procreate & Photoshop
In this set, you will getStand ART BRUSHES for Procreate & Photoshop for creative projects.
You will love to use these brushes in Procreate on any kind of project, from illustrations for kids, grunge style illustrations, comic and realistic projects.
To use the brushes simply choose a brush, select the paint tool, and draw.
The colour and width of the strokes can be adjusted easily.Stand ART BRUSHES for Procreate & Photoshop
If you love the brushes or creation what you’ve made with them, don’t hesitate to shareStand ART BRUSHES for Procreate & Photoshop
These brushes are ONLY for Procreate and for use with Pencil or compatible stylus. These brushes DO NOT WORK IN PHOTOSHOP or ILLUSTRATOR.
Download the file, Go to the file, preview the content, you will see brushes file, click on it and it will be imported to Procreate at your iPad.
8. Sparkle Up Brushset for Procreate & Photoshop
In this set, you will getSparkle Up Brushset for Procreate & Photoshop for creative projects.
You will love to use these brushes in Procreate on any kind of project, from illustrations for kids, grunge style illustrations, comic and realistic projects.
To use the brushes simply choose a brush, select the paint tool, and draw.
The colour and width of the strokes can be adjusted easily.Sparkle Up Brushset for Procreate & Photoshop
If you love the brushes or creation what you’ve made with them, don’t hesitate to shareSparkle Up Brushset for Procreate & Photoshop
These brushes are ONLY for Procreate and for use with Pencil or compatible stylus. These brushes DO NOT WORK IN PHOTOSHOP or ILLUSTRATOR.
Download the file, Go to the file, preview the content, you will see brushes file, click on it and it will be imported to Procreate at your iPad.
9. Skin Veil Brushset for Procreate & Photoshop
In this set, you will getSkin Veil Brushset for Procreate & Photoshop for creative projects.
You will love to use these brushes in Procreate on any kind of project, from illustrations for kids, grunge style illustrations, comic and realistic projects.
To use the brushes simply choose a brush, select the paint tool, and draw.
The colour and width of the strokes can be adjusted easily.Skin Veil Brushset for Procreate & Photoshop
If you love the brushes or creation what you’ve made with them, don’t hesitate to shareSkin Veil Brushset for Procreate & Photoshop
These brushes are ONLY for Procreate and for use with Pencil or compatible stylus. These brushes DO NOT WORK IN PHOTOSHOP or ILLUSTRATOR.
Download the file, Go to the file, preview the content, you will see brushes file, click on it and it will be imported to Procreate at your iPad.
10.Skin Texture and Pores Brushes for Procreate & Photoshop
In this set, you will getSkin Texture and Pores Brushes for Procreate & Photoshop for creative projects.
You will love to use these brushes in Procreate on any kind of project, from illustrations for kids, grunge style illustrations, comic and realistic projects.
To use the brushes simply choose a brush, select the paint tool, and draw.
The colour and width of the strokes can be adjusted easily.Skin Texture and Pores Brushes for Procreate & Photoshop
If you love the brushes or creation what you’ve made with them, don’t hesitate to shareSkin Texture and Pores Brushes for Procreate & Photoshop
These brushes are ONLY for Procreate and for use with Pencil or compatible stylus. These brushes DO NOT WORK IN PHOTOSHOP or ILLUSTRATOR.
Download the file, Go to the file, preview the content, you will see brushes file, click on it and it will be imported to Procreate at your iPad.
11. skin 2.0 brushset + swatches for photoshop and procreate
In this set, you will getskin 2.0 brushset + swatches for photoshop and procreate for creative projects.
You will love to use these brushes in Procreate on any kind of project, from illustrations for kids, grunge style illustrations, comic and realistic projects.
To use the brushes simply choose a brush, select the paint tool, and draw.
The colour and width of the strokes can be adjusted easily.skin 2.0 brushset + swatches for photoshop and procreate
If you love the brushes or creation what you’ve made with them, don’t hesitate to shareskin 2.0 brushset + swatches for photoshop and procreate
These brushes are ONLY for Procreate and for use with Pencil or compatible stylus. These brushes DO NOT WORK IN PHOTOSHOP or ILLUSTRATOR.
Download the file, Go to the file, preview the content, you will see brushes file, click on it and it will be imported to Procreate at your iPad.
12. Pattern Brushes 2.0 for Procreate and Photoshop brushset – 56 Brushes
In this set, you will getPattern Brushes 2.0 for Procreate and Photoshop brushset – 56 Brushes for creative projects.
You will love to use these brushes in Procreate on any kind of project, from illustrations for kids, grunge style illustrations, comic and realistic projects.
To use the brushes simply choose a brush, select the paint tool, and draw.
The colour and width of the strokes can be adjusted easily.Pattern Brushes 2.0 for Procreate and Photoshop brushset – 56 Brushes
If you love the brushes or creation what you’ve made with them, don’t hesitate to sharePattern Brushes 2.0 for Procreate and Photoshop brushset – 56 Brushes
These brushes are ONLY for Procreate and for use with Pencil or compatible stylus. These brushes DO NOT WORK IN PHOTOSHOP or ILLUSTRATOR.
Download the file, Go to the file, preview the content, you will see brushes file, click on it and it will be imported to Procreate at your iPad.
13. Leafs Pack by Fooarc – 4k Resoulation for Procreate and Photoshop
In this set, you will getLeafs Pack by Fooarc – 4k Resoulation for Procreate and Photoshopfor creative projects.
You will love to use these brushes in Procreate on any kind of project, from illustrations for kids, grunge style illustrations, comic and realistic projects.
To use the brushes simply choose a brush, select the paint tool, and draw.
The colour and width of the strokes can be adjusted easily.Leafs Pack by Fooarc – 4k Resoulation for Procreate and Photoshop
If you love the brushes or creation what you’ve made with them, don’t hesitate to shareLeafs Pack by Fooarc – 4k Resoulation for Procreate and Photoshop
These brushes are ONLY for Procreate and for use with Pencil or compatible stylus. These brushes DO NOT WORK IN PHOTOSHOP or ILLUSTRATOR.
Download the file, Go to the file, preview the content, you will see brushes file, click on it and it will be imported to Procreate at your iPad.
14. Lashes & Brows Stamps – 60 Brushes for Photoshop & Procreate
in this set, you will getLashes & Brows Stamps – 60 Brushes for Photoshop & Procreate for creative projects.
You will love to use these brushes in Procreate on any kind of project, from illustrations for kids, grunge style illustrations, comic and realistic projects.
To use the brushes simply choose a brush, select the paint tool, and draw.
The colour and width of the strokes can be adjusted easily.Lashes & Brows Stamps – 60 Brushes for Photoshop & Procreate
If you love the brushes or creation what you’ve made with them, don’t hesitate to shareLashes & Brows Stamps – 60 Brushes for Photoshop & Procreate
These brushes are ONLY for Procreate and for use with Pencil or compatible stylus. These brushes DO NOT WORK IN PHOTOSHOP or ILLUSTRATOR.
Download the file, Go to the file, preview the content, you will see brushes file, click on it and it will be imported to Procreate at your iPad.
15. Hair stamps Volosy Shtampy brushset – procreate & photohsop
In this set, you will getHair stamps Volosy Shtampy brushset – procreate & photohsop.
You will love to use these brushes in Procreate on any kind of project, from illustrations for kids, grunge style illustrations, comic and realistic projects.
To use the brushes simply choose a brush, select the paint tool, and draw.
The colour and width of the strokes can be adjusted easily.Hair stamps Volosy Shtampy brushset – procreate & photohsop
If you love the brushes or creation what you’ve made with them, don’t hesitate to shareHair stamps Volosy Shtampy brushset – procreate & photohsop
These brushes are ONLY for Procreate and for use with Pencil or compatible stylus. These brushes DO NOT WORK IN PHOTOSHOP or ILLUSTRATOR.
Download the file, Go to the file, preview the content, you will see brushes file, click on it and it will be imported to Procreate at your iPad.
16. Hair stamps brushes for procreate and photohsop
In this set, you will getHair stamps brushes for procreate and photohsop for creative projects.
You will love to use these brushes in Procreate on any kind of project, from illustrations for kids, grunge style illustrations, comic and realistic projects.
To use the brushes simply choose a brush, select the paint tool, and draw.
The colour and width of the strokes can be adjusted easily.Hair stamps brushes for procreate and photohsop
If you love the brushes or creation what you’ve made with them, don’t hesitate to shareHair stamps brushes for procreate and photohsop
These brushes are ONLY for Procreate and for use with Pencil or compatible stylus. These brushes DO NOT WORK IN PHOTOSHOP or ILLUSTRATOR.
Download the file, Go to the file, preview the content, you will see brushes file, click on it and it will be imported to Procreate at your iPad.
17. Glitter Skin Brushes for Procreate and Photoshop
In this set, you will getGlitter Skin Brushes for Procreate and Photoshop for creative projects.
You will love to use these brushes in Procreate on any kind of project, from illustrations for kids, grunge style illustrations, comic and realistic projects.
To use the brushes simply choose a brush, select the paint tool, and draw.
The colour and width of the strokes can be adjusted easily.Glitter Skin Brushes for Procreate and Photoshop
If you love the brushes or creation what you’ve made with them, don’t hesitate to shareGlitter Skin Brushes for Procreate and Photoshop
These brushes are ONLY for Procreate and for use with Pencil or compatible stylus. These brushes DO NOT WORK IN PHOTOSHOP or ILLUSTRATOR.
Download the file, Go to the file, preview the content, you will see brushes file, click on it and it will be imported to Procreate at your iPad.
18. Eye Candy Brushset for Procreate and Photoshop
In this set, you will getEye Candy Brushset for Procreate and Photoshop for creative projects.
You will love to use these brushes in Procreate on any kind of project, from illustrations for kids, grunge style illustrations, comic and realistic projects.
To use the brushes simply choose a brush, select the paint tool, and draw.
The colour and width of the strokes can be adjusted easily.Eye Candy Brushset for Procreate and Photoshop
If you love the brushes or creation what you’ve made with them, don’t hesitate to shareEye Candy Brushset for Procreate and Photoshop
These brushes are ONLY for Procreate and for use with Pencil or compatible stylus. These brushes DO NOT WORK IN PHOTOSHOP or ILLUSTRATOR.
Download the file, Go to the file, preview the content, you will see brushes file, click on it and it will be imported to Procreate at your iPad.
19. Easy MakeUp Brushes for Procreate & Photoshop
In this set, you will getEasy MakeUp Brushes for Procreate & Photoshopfor creative projects.
You will love to use these brushes in Procreate on any kind of project, from illustrations for kids, grunge style illustrations, comic and realistic projects.
To use the brushes simply choose a brush, select the paint tool, and draw.
The colour and width of the strokes can be adjusted easily.Easy MakeUp Brushes for Procreate & Photoshop
If you love the brushes or creation what you’ve made with them, don’t hesitate to shareEasy MakeUp Brushes for Procreate & Photoshop
These brushes are ONLY for Procreate and for use with Pencil or compatible stylus. These brushes DO NOT WORK IN PHOTOSHOP or ILLUSTRATOR.
Download the file, Go to the file, preview the content, you will see brushes file, click on it and it will be imported to Procreate at your iPad.
20. crys’ skin & glitter – Ultimate Skin pack – 30 Brushes for Procreate and Photoshop
In this set, you will getcrys’ skin & glitter – Ultimate Skin pack – 30 Brushes for Procreate and Photoshopfor creative projects.
You will love to use these brushes in Procreate on any kind of project, from illustrations for kids, grunge style illustrations, comic and realistic projects.
To use the brushes simply choose a brush, select the paint tool, and draw.
The colour and width of the strokes can be adjusted easily.crys’ skin & glitter – Ultimate Skin pack – 30 Brushes for Procreate and Photoshop
If you love the brushes or creation what you’ve made with them, don’t hesitate to sharecrys’ skin & glitter – Ultimate Skin pack – 30 Brushes for Procreate and Photoshop
These brushes are ONLY for Procreate and for use with Pencil or compatible stylus. These brushes DO NOT WORK IN PHOTOSHOP or ILLUSTRATOR.
Download the file, Go to the file, preview the content, you will see brushes file, click on it and it will be imported to Procreate at your iPad.
21. Crys Jewelry 30+ Brushes for Procreate and Photoshop
In this set, you will get Crys Jewelry 30+ Brushes for Procreate and Photoshop for creative projects.
You will love to use these brushes in Procreate on any kind of project, from illustrations for kids, grunge style illustrations, comic and realistic projects.
To use the brushes simply choose a brush, select the paint tool, and draw.
The colour and width of the strokes can be adjusted easilyCrys Jewelry 30+ Brushes for Procreate and Photoshop
If you love the brushes or creation what you’ve made with them, don’t hesitate to shareCrys Jewelry 30+ Brushes for Procreate and Photoshop
These brushes are ONLY for Procreate and for use with Pencil or compatible stylus. These brushes DO NOT WORK IN PHOTOSHOP or ILLUSTRATOR.
Download the file, Go to the file, preview the content, you will see brushes file, click on it and it will be imported to Procreate at your iPad.
22. Cry’s Faec detail proreate and photoshop Brushes
In this set, you will get Cry’s Faec detail proreate and photoshop Brushes for creative projects.
You will love to use these brushes in Procreate on any kind of project, from illustrations for kids, grunge style illustrations, comic and realistic projects.
To use the brushes simply choose a brush, select the paint tool, and draw.
The colour and width of the strokes can be adjusted easily.Cry’s Faec detail proreate and photoshop Brushes
If you love the brushes or creation what you’ve made with them, don’t hesitate to share!Cry’s Faec detail proreate and photoshop Brushes
These brushes are ONLY for Procreate and for use with Pencil or compatible stylus. These brushes DO NOT WORK IN PHOTOSHOP or ILLUSTRATOR.
Download the file, Go to the file, preview the content, you will see brushes file, click on it and it will be imported to Procreate at your iPad.
23.Brow’s Chic Brushset for Procreate
In this set, you will get Brow’s Chic Brushset for Procreate for creative projects.
You will love to use these brushes in Procreate on any kind of project, from illustrations for kids, grunge style illustrations, comic and realistic projects.
To use the brushes simply choose a brush, select the paint tool, and draw.
The colour and width of the strokes can be adjusted easily.Brow’s Chic Brushset for Procreate
If you love the brushes or creation what you’ve made with them, don’t hesitate to share Brow’s Chic Brushset for Procreate
These brushes are ONLY for Procreate and for use with Pencil or compatible stylus. These brushes DO NOT WORK IN PHOTOSHOP or ILLUSTRATOR.
Download the file, Go to the file, preview the content, you will see brushes file, click on it and it will be imported to Procreate at your iPad.
24. 40+ Glossy Textured Lips Brushes for Procreate and Photoshop
In this set, you will get 40+ Glossy Textured Lips Brushes for Procreate and Photoshopfor creative projects.
You will love to use these brushes in Procreate on any kind of project, from illustrations for kids, grunge style illustrations, comic and realistic projects.
To use the brushes simply choose a brush, select the paint tool, and draw.
The colour and width of the strokes can be adjusted easily 40+ Glossy Textured Lips Brushes for Procreate and Photoshop
If you love the brushes or creation what you’ve made with them, don’t hesitate to share40+ Glossy Textured Lips Brushes for Procreate and Photoshop
These brushes are ONLY for Procreate and for use with Pencil or compatible stylus. These brushes DO NOT WORK IN PHOTOSHOP or ILLUSTRATOR.
Download the file, Go to the file, preview the content, you will see brushes file, click on it and it will be imported to Procreate at your iPad.
25. 10 lip gloss stamps for Procreate and Photoshop
In this set, you will get 10 lip gloss stamps for Procreate and Photoshop for creative projects.
You will love to use these brushes in Procreate on any kind of project, from illustrations for kids, grunge style illustrations, comic and realistic projects.
To use the brushes simply choose a brush, select the paint tool, and draw.
The colour and width of the strokes can be adjusted easily.10 lip gloss stamps for Procreate and Photoshop
If you love the brushes or creation what you’ve made with them, don’t hesitate to share10 lip gloss stamps for Procreate and Photoshop
These brushes are ONLY for Procreate and for use with Pencil or compatible stylus. These brushes DO NOT WORK IN PHOTOSHOP or ILLUSTRATOR.
Download the file, Go to the file, preview the content, you will see brushes file, click on it and it will be imported to Procreate at your iPad.
デュアル互換のブラシが創造的な可能性の世界を広げます。アーティストは、Procreate と Photoshop の両方の独自の機能を 1 つのアートワークに組み合わせることができるようになりました。このツールの融合により革新的なテクニックが可能になり、境界を打ち破る際立ったアートが生まれます。
デュアル互換のブラシにより、異なるソフトウェアを使用するアーティスト間のコラボレーションが容易になります。アーティストは、互換性の問題を気にすることなく、Procreate または Photoshop を使用する仲間とブラシ セットを共有できます。これにより、アイデアやテクニックの交換を促進する協力的なコミュニティが育まれます。
デュアル互換ブラシに投資する場合、アーティストは定期的なアップデートとカスタマー サポートを提供する信頼できるソースを選択する必要があります。これにより、ブラシは将来のソフトウェア更新との互換性が維持され、問題があればすぐに解決されます。
ペースの速いデジタル アートの世界では、制約なしに創造性を受け入れることが不可欠です。デュアル互換ブラシにより、アーティストはソフトウェア プラットフォームの制限を超え、芸術的な可能性を解き放つことができます。Procreate から Photoshop にシームレスに移行する場合でも、革新的なテクニックを実験する場合でも、これらのブラシを使用すると、アーティストは真に自由に制作することができます。
デュアル互換ブラシの登場は、デジタル アートの世界における重要なマイルストーンを示します。Procreate と Photoshop の間の障壁を取り除き、アーティストが制限なく創作できるようにします。ワークフローを合理化し、創造的な可能性を広げ、コラボレーションを促進することで、これらのブラシは現代のすべてのアーティストにとって不可欠なツールになります。デュアル互換性の力を活用して、無限の創造性の旅に乗り出しましょう!
1. デュアル互換ブラシを他のデジタルアート ソフトウェアで使用できますか?
現時点では、デュアル互換ブラシは主に Procreate と Photoshop 用に設計されています。一部のブラシは同様のソフトウェアで動作する可能性がありますが、使用前に互換性を確認することが重要です。
2. デュアル互換ブラシは初心者に適していますか?
はい、デュアル互換ブラシは初心者を含むあらゆるレベルのアーティストに適しています。これらは、技術的な複雑さに囚われることなく、さまざまなソフトウェア プラットフォームを探索するための便利な方法を提供します。
3. デュアル互換ブラシはどのくらいの頻度で更新されますか?
更新頻度はソースによって異なります。評判の良いブラシ作成者は通常、最新のソフトウェア バージョンとの互換性を確保するために定期的なアップデートを提供します。
4. 独自のデュアル互換ブラシを作成できますか?
はい、上級アーティストや開発者は、Procreate と Photoshop の両方のブラシ エンジンを理解することで、独自のデュアル互換ブラシを作成できます。ただし、これには技術的な専門知識が必要であり、すべての人に適しているわけではありません。
5. デュアル互換ブラシの信頼できるソースはどこで見つけられますか?
いくつかのオンライン マーケットプレイスやアート コミュニティでは、デュアル互換のブラシを提供しています。肯定的なユーザーレビューとカスタマーサポートを備えた信頼できるソースを選択することが重要です