画笔 76:50 种绘画艺术画笔 – 第 3 卷
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上的 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本兼容。
Brush 76:终极 Photoshop 涂鸦套件
如果您喜欢涂鸦并喜欢使用 Photoshop 进行创作,那么您来对地方了。
该套件包含 40 个画笔、3 个模型模板、3 个可自定义字母和 +40 个符号和示例标签,可实现地下涂鸦设计!我从事涂鸦工作已有 6 年多了,我想为像我一样喜欢使用 Photoshop 的人们提供数字资源。
40 支画笔由 19 种标记、11 种喷雾纹理、5 种泼溅和 5 种滴水专门制成。由于我对这个主题非常热衷,所以我进行了研究和实验,直到能够模拟喷雾罐的真实感觉和质感。
这 3 个模型模板取自真实的涂鸦环境和现实生活场景,例如在建建筑、火车或废弃车辆。每个模板的设计目的都是为了给您的数字作品带来真实的触感,同时保持绘画下方的表面结构。
套件中包含 20 个符号、23 个示例标签和 3 个字母,可轻松组合以快速创建新设计。每个字母表都是由可拖放的字母组成,使创建新单词和组合变得非常简单!
– 40 个压敏 Photoshop (.ABR) 画笔
– 3 个逼真的模型模板 (.PSD)
– +40 个高质量符号和示例标签(6000x4000px 350dpi,全部为透明 .PNG)
– 3 个带有拖放字母的字母表(4000x4000px 350dpi 透明 .PNG)
– 使用指南(.PDF 文件)
笔刷 77:Big One 900+ 笔刷
销售!节省 10 美元!庆祝下周一即将发布的新产品!
更新!为了庆祝我的第 104 次销售,我送你一份礼物!当您再次下载此套件时,您将获得我的水彩图层样式的免费样本 – 刚刚于 2015 年 3 月 5 日发布。非常感谢大家对这套刷子的支持和喜爱。
哦,这里有一个水彩图层样式的链接 – 帮助您为水彩设计带来更加真实的外观!
有时你只需要拥有一切。如果是这样的话,那么 Big One 笔刷包就是您的最佳选择。
超过 900 个手绘水彩元素,满足您所有的设计理念和幻想!
您将获得:超过 900 个手绘水彩 Photoshop 画笔
如果满足以下条件,这会有所帮助: 您使用过图层 您喜欢玩耍 您有冒险精神
您不会得到的:图像 3 和 4 中的示例“纸张”不包含在这组画笔中 – 它们只是我用画笔创建的作品的示例。它们可能会在晚些时候上市,请继续检查,如果我确实出售它们,我会在这里记下。
画笔 78:带有连接线的粒子 Photoshop 画笔
这是一个新的好友请求。这 10 个非常高分辨率的 PS 画笔, 带有 连接的点和线,希望成为您最好的朋友。你可能会感到困惑,但不要急于拒绝那些生成图形的人。确实,一套 10 个优秀的 ps 画笔非常 易于安装,并且将有助于艺术家 处理照片、创建绘图和纹理等创意活动,尤其是在未来加密主题中。您将收到一个仅与 Adobe Photoshop兼容并可使用的 ABR 格式文件 。此外,还 包含 10 个透明 PNG 文件 在这组画笔的档案中,有令人着迷的细节,如控制论粒子、神经丛、点和网格。很可能,这种创意混乱会推动你获得新的设计体验。
具有连接线的粒子 Photoshop 画笔
具有连接粒子的 Adobe Photoshop 几何画笔
这是一个新的好友请求。这 10 个非常高分辨率的 PS 画笔, 带有 连接的点和线,希望成为您最好的朋友。你可能会感到困惑,但不要急于拒绝那些生成图形的人。确实,一套 10 个优秀的 ps 画笔非常 易于安装,并且将有助于艺术家 处理照片、创建绘图和纹理等创意活动,尤其是在未来加密主题中。您将收到一个仅与 Adobe Photoshop兼容并可使用的 ABR 格式文件 。此外,还 包含 10 个透明 PNG 文件 在这组画笔的档案中,有令人着迷的细节,如控制论粒子、神经丛、点和网格。很可能,这种创意混乱会推动你获得新的设计体验。
您热衷于技术或科学吗?然后你将与这些高科技Photoshop画笔就区块链、 分子结构 甚至网络安全进行酷炫的交流。采用极简风格的高分辨率纹理创建,他们知道您的时间现在是多么宝贵,并且肯定会为您节省时间。这种设计友谊将使您 能够创造出令人惊叹的线性或轮廓艺术 等等。
您应该了解的具有连接粒子的 Adobe Photoshop 几何画笔的主要特征
数字世界中有许多好的地理事物。然而,这些几何画笔却是一些东西。 所以,他们是:
- 在修饰图像、为照片处理添加戏剧效果或绘制新细节方面用途广泛;
- 与绘图板配对;
- 准备好帮助您创造令人惊叹的线性艺术;
- 非常适合创作数字绘画;
- 为您的插图添加纹理和仿旧外观很酷。
- 包含的附加文件: Photoshop ABR
- 包含的图形文件: 透明 PNG
- 像素尺寸: 5000+
笔刷 79:雾气 Photoshop 笔刷组
82 个独特的 Photoshop 画笔
这些画笔也与 Photoshop CC+ 和 Procreate 5.0+ 兼容
Brush 80:Jingsketch Photoshop 画笔完整集合和终身更新
使用 完整系列将您的想法变为现实 – 我的 50 多种省时画笔全部 由世界各地的专业和有抱负的艺术家使用。这个画笔系列是从头开始慢慢构建的,不断针对多种创意挑战进行优化。
Jingsketch Photoshop 笔刷全集和终身更新
最畅销的画笔包为全球 100,000 多名艺术家提供动力。
使用 完整系列将您的想法变为现实 – 我的 50 多种省时画笔全部 由世界各地的专业和有抱负的艺术家使用。这个画笔系列是从头开始慢慢构建的,不断针对多种创意挑战进行优化。
- 强大的行业标准工具。 这些画笔和调色板受到 Pixar、 Epic Games、 Gearbox、 Mattel等艺术家的信赖。
- 适合任何艺术风格。 创造任何东西,从完成的商业绘画到医学插图再到素描本草图。
- 便于使用。易于掌握。 画笔被组织成直观的画笔集: 草图、 绘画、 涂抹和 柔和。
与Photoshop、 Fresco、 Affinity和支持 ABR 文件的应用程序兼容 。Procreate 笔刷系列在此单独创建和销售 。
- 草图 – 21 个精确的画笔,可轻松绘制草图和线条。
- 绘画 – 24 款富有表现力的画笔,旨在为您的绘画注入生命力。
- 涂抹 – 8 个强大的刷子,可轻松、美丽地晕染。
- 柔软 – 6 个纹理喷枪,非常适合添加最后的修饰。
- 终身更新 ——新画笔和更新永久免费,无需订阅。
画笔和更新将发送到您的电子邮件和 Gumroad Library,可从任何设备下载。
画笔 81:Instapressionist Photoshop 画笔
正如 Adobe Create 杂志上的专题报道!| 与 Photoshop CS5+ 兼容!
这套完整的 100 个 Instapressionist 色彩混合画笔利用 Adobe Photoshop 的图案图章工具,允许任何技能水平的 Photoshop 用户将摄影图像转变为创意和独特的数字艺术作品。您只需拿起画笔,开始绘画,然后观看魔法的展现。
这项技术和专门开发的画笔的美妙之处在于它是 100% 纯 Photoshop 画笔!没有复杂的操作、图层样式、过滤器、智能对象或插件!
这项新技术不仅结合了低调的图案图章工具,还结合了 Photoshop 中不受人喜爱的 BRISTLE 笔刷引擎。通过在 Photoshop 中根据这个相当被忽视的标准仔细开发一组画笔,我能够定制一组画笔,以大致对齐的方式绘制图案,分散图案足以创建任何基础的令人惊叹的印象派版本您正在使用的照片或图像。您实际上是在照片中绘画,这种技术和画笔组合允许任何技能水平的 Photoshop 用户从图像中创建创意、艺术数字艺术品,而不会看起来像计算机生成的效果。您只需拿起画笔开始绘画,即可观看 Photoshop 画笔魔法的展现!
• 100 支 Instapressionist 画笔的完整集合 • 画笔预览指南
Brush 82:创意设计师的数字绘画资产
下载这个美丽的色板、画笔和叠加层集合,用于在 Photoshop 中进行数字绘画,由才华横溢的艺术家 Faery Design 出于对艺术的热爱而创作。
该集合包含适用于 Adobe Photoshop 的 7629 个样本和 644 个画笔,以及 57 个高分辨率蒙版元素,用于创建精致的肖像和艺术插图。
下载这个美丽的色板、画笔和叠加层集合,用于在 Photoshop 中进行数字绘画,由才华横溢的艺术家 Faery Design 出于对艺术的热爱而创作。
该集合包含适用于 Adobe Photoshop 的 7629 个样本和 644 个画笔,以及 57 个高分辨率蒙版元素,用于创建精致的肖像和艺术插图。
与 Photoshop CS6 – CC 所有版本兼容。
画笔 83:数字网络湍流 Photoshop 画笔
包含的附加文件:Photoshop ABR
包含的图形文件:透明 PNG
数字网络湍流 Photoshop 画笔
我们消除您在数字、3D 或网络世界职业生涯中的无聊和失败!现在是新的创意运动设计和前所未见的现代艺术的时候了。看看时尚的画笔套装,它可打印且易于安装。别着急,仔细观察。当然,除了高质量、高分辨率、大数据和附加机会等特点之外,您还会看到更多东西。让我们假设这些将是您未来的技术或未来风格的图形对象。
进一步阅读,值得了解。关于这个抽象网格湍流和波浪网格 Photoshop ABR 画笔的一个更重要的事实是,您将收到一个文件夹,其中包含这套独一无二的抽象画笔的 10 个透明 PNG 文件。
创建 100% 高分辨率的艺术线条;
包含的附加文件:Photoshop ABR
包含的图形文件:透明 PNG
刷子 84:10 美元 TYP3PACK
Brush 85: 89 Watercolour photoshop Brushes
We are introducing another amazing set of watercolor brushes in our brush series. Digital watercolor painting was never this realistic and easy before. Add as much color as you want or go monochrome this set won’t disappoint you. You can play with bright, minimal, or a mix of colors using these brushes without spending a lot of time and effort.
These brushes are perfect for digital paintings, graphic designs, web designs, graphic printing, textile designs, apparel, home decor, packaging multiple varieties of products, or adding a flair to your brand. The only limit is your imagination!
The set includes a huge variety of brushes to provide different textures you want for your paintings or designs.
Features of this set:
- The brushes are high resolution and add noticeable details to the design.
- You can play with colors while using this set to match your brand or project without losing quality.
- You won’t be able to tell the difference between real watercolor brushes and this set.
- You only need a very basic knowledge of or Photoshop to use these brushes.
- 89 .abr brushes
Please note that these brushes have been tested on all the versions of Photoshop. Don’t hesitate to let us know if you need any help in using this product.
Brush 86: 68 Dry Markers Photoshop Brushes
I started drawing with my collection of real dry, grungy and smudgy pens and markers to create some base textures for these brushes. After that, I continued in Photoshop – I played with brushes settings, its flow, brush marks etc to make this collection of brushes!
- 有一个包含 68 个画笔的 ABR 文件,适用于 Adobe Photoshop CS3 和更高版本的 PS(CS3 是 PS 的最低要求版本)
- CSH 文件包含 4 个免费的 Adobe Photoshop 手工定制形状!
- 包含基本说明的 txt 文件
画笔的大小为 4 到 125 像素
非常适合编辑和时尚插图 – 使用无限制(允许个人和商业作品!)
只需 8 美元即可获得这些刷子!
画笔 87:60 个半色调 Photoshop 画笔
我们创建了这套 60 个半色调画笔,可以为您节省大量时间和精力。该捆绑包中的每支画笔都能提供非常酷且无缝的风格效果。这些画笔可以成为在您的设计中添加阴影的首选。这些画笔非常适合图形设计、网页设计、图形印刷、数字绘画、服装和家居装饰、包装多种产品或为您的品牌增添风格。你的想象力是唯一的限制!该套装包括各种刷子,可提供从非常明亮到简约的外观。
- 画笔具有高分辨率,可为设计增添美丽的细节。
- 您可以使用任何颜色和样式的这些画笔来匹配您的品牌或项目,而不会损失质量。
- 您只需要具备 Photoshop 的基本知识即可使用这些画笔。
请注意,这些画笔已在所有版本的 Photoshop 上进行了测试。如果您在使用本产品时需要任何帮助,请随时与我们联系。
画笔 88:50 个幽灵万圣节画笔
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上的 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本兼容。
画笔 89:50 种绘画艺术画笔 – 第 4 卷
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上的 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本兼容。
Brush 90:50 种绘画艺术画笔 – 第 1 卷
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上的 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本兼容。
画笔 91:50 支神奇水彩画笔 – 卷。2
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上兼容
画笔 92:50 支神奇水彩画笔 – 卷。1
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上的 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本兼容。
画笔 93:50 支手工水彩画笔 7
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上的 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本兼容。
画笔 94:50 支手工水彩画笔 6
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上的 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本兼容。
Brush 95:30 个 Photoshop 水彩画笔
30 个适用于 Photoshop CC 的水彩动态画笔。
Wacom 和平板电脑兼容。
使用这套套件,您可以获得非常自然的绘画效果 – 非常适合油画、肖像和数字奇幻作品。
– 30 个 .abr 格式的水彩画笔
画笔 96:30 个烟雾 Photoshop 画笔
厌倦了燃烧的东西,但仍然没有得到完美的烟熏镜头?那么就别再浪费时间了!我们创建了一套 30 个逼真的烟雾笔刷来解决您的问题。您不仅可以减少污染,而且只需点击几下即可添加令人印象深刻的烟雾效果。这套产品将解决您购买高品质相机的需求,而这注定会耗尽您的银行帐户。
- 画笔具有高分辨率,可为设计添加明显的细节。
- 您还可以使用这些画笔进行数字绘画。
- 这些画笔也可以用作覆盖层。
- 您可以在使用此套装来搭配您的品牌或项目时玩转颜色,而不会损失质量并创造神奇的效果。
- 您只需要具备 Photoshop 的基本知识即可使用这些画笔。
请注意,这些画笔已在所有版本的 Photoshop 上进行了测试。如果您在使用本产品时需要任何帮助,请随时告诉我们。
Brush 97:30 个 Photoshop 油刷
30 个适用于 Photoshop CC 的油画动态画笔。
Wacom 和平板电脑兼容。
使用这套套件,您可以获得非常自然的绘画效果 – 非常适合油画、肖像和数字奇幻作品。
– 30 个 .abr 格式的油刷
画笔 98:21 个抽象飞溅画笔 – 卷。1
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上的 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本兼容。
画笔 99:20 支冬季魔法画笔
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上的 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本兼容。
Brush 100:18 支抽象绘画画笔
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上的 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本兼容。
如何安装和管理 Photoshop 画笔
为了充分利用 Photoshop 画笔,了解如何有效地安装、组织和管理它们至关重要。
[在 Photoshop 中安装新画笔的分步指南。]
充分利用 Photoshop 画笔的技巧
掌握 Photoshop 画笔的使用技巧可以显着增强您的数字艺术作品。
Evaluating Brush Performance
[Insights into evaluating brush performance for optimal results.]
Mixing and Matching Brushes
[Tips on creatively combining different brushes to create unique effects.]
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
FAQ 1: How can I create my custom Photoshop brushes?
[Answer to the first frequently asked question.]
FAQ 2: Are there any free alternatives to premium brushes?
[Answer to the second frequently asked question.]
FAQ 3: Can I use these brushes in other design software?
[Answer to the third frequently asked question.]
FAQ 4: Will these brushes work on older versions of Photoshop?
[Answer to the fourth frequently asked question.]
FAQ 5: How do I avoid performance issues when using brushes extensively?
[Answer to the fifth frequently asked question.]
为 Photoshop 选择合适的画笔对于提升您的数字艺术作品至关重要。投资高品质的画笔将打开一个充满可能性的世界并释放您的创造力。尝试各种画笔,探索不同的风格,享受创造非凡数字艺术的旅程。
画笔 76:50 种绘画艺术画笔 – 第 3 卷
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
These brushes compatible with Photoshop CS6 (13.0) and above and on both PC and Mac.
Brush 76: Ultimate Photoshop Graffiti Kit
If you love graffiti and create with Photoshop, you came in the right place.
This kit is a collection of 40 brushes, 3 mock-ups templates, 3 customizable alphabets and +40 symbols and sample tags to realize underground graffiti design! I have been doing graffiti for over 6 years and, I want to give digital resources to people who enjoy working with Photoshop as much as I do.
Being right into the graffiti culture, I worked at my best to recreate an authentic atmosphere and mimic the real world in digital key.
The 40 brushes are specifically made of 19 types of markers, 11 spray textures, 5 splashes and 5 drips. Since I’m very passionate about this topic, I’ve studied and experimented until I was able to simulate the realistic feeling and texture of a spray can.
The 3 mock-ups templates are taken from true graffiti environments and scene of real life, such as under-construction buildings, trains or abandoned vehicles. Every single template is designed to give a realistic touch to your digital works, maintaining the structure of the surface underneath your painting.
Included in the kit you’ll find 20 symbols, 23 sample tags, and 3 alphabets, easy to combine for creating new designs very quickly. Every Alphabet is made of letters to drag and drop, making very simple the creation of new words and compositions!
Included in this set:
– 40 个压敏 Photoshop (.ABR) 画笔
– 3 个逼真的模型模板 (.PSD)
– +40 个高质量符号和示例标签(6000x4000px 350dpi,全部为透明 .PNG)
– 3 个带有拖放字母的字母表(4000x4000px 350dpi 透明 .PNG)
– 使用指南(.PDF 文件)
笔刷 77:Big One 900+ 笔刷
销售!节省 10 美元!庆祝下周一即将发布的新产品!
更新!为了庆祝我的第 104 次销售,我送你一份礼物!当您再次下载此套件时,您将获得我的水彩图层样式的免费样本 – 刚刚于 2015 年 3 月 5 日发布。非常感谢大家对这套刷子的支持和喜爱。
哦,这里有一个水彩图层样式的链接 – 帮助您为水彩设计带来更加真实的外观!
有时你只需要拥有一切。如果是这样的话,那么 Big One 笔刷包就是您的最佳选择。
超过 900 个手绘水彩元素,满足您所有的设计理念和幻想!
您将获得:超过 900 个手绘水彩 Photoshop 画笔
如果满足以下条件,这会有所帮助: 您使用过图层 您喜欢玩耍 您有冒险精神
您不会得到的:图像 3 和 4 中的示例“纸张”不包含在这组画笔中 – 它们只是我用画笔创建的作品的示例。它们可能会在晚些时候上市,请继续检查,如果我确实出售它们,我会在这里记下。
画笔 78:带有连接线的粒子 Photoshop 画笔
这是一个新的好友请求。这 10 个非常高分辨率的 PS 画笔, 带有 连接的点和线,希望成为您最好的朋友。你可能会感到困惑,但不要急于拒绝那些生成图形的人。确实,一套 10 个优秀的 ps 画笔非常 易于安装,并且将有助于艺术家 处理照片、创建绘图和纹理等创意活动,尤其是在未来加密主题中。您将收到一个仅与 Adobe Photoshop兼容并可使用的 ABR 格式文件 。此外,还 包含 10 个透明 PNG 文件 在这组画笔的档案中,有令人着迷的细节,如控制论粒子、神经丛、点和网格。很可能,这种创意混乱会推动你获得新的设计体验。
具有连接线的粒子 Photoshop 画笔
具有连接粒子的 Adobe Photoshop 几何画笔
这是一个新的好友请求。这 10 个非常高分辨率的 PS 画笔, 带有 连接的点和线,希望成为您最好的朋友。你可能会感到困惑,但不要急于拒绝那些生成图形的人。确实,一套 10 个优秀的 ps 画笔非常 易于安装,并且将有助于艺术家 处理照片、创建绘图和纹理等创意活动,尤其是在未来加密主题中。您将收到一个仅与 Adobe Photoshop兼容并可使用的 ABR 格式文件 。此外,还 包含 10 个透明 PNG 文件 在这组画笔的档案中,有令人着迷的细节,如控制论粒子、神经丛、点和网格。很可能,这种创意混乱会推动你获得新的设计体验。
您热衷于技术或科学吗?然后你将与这些高科技Photoshop画笔就区块链、 分子结构 甚至网络安全进行酷炫的交流。采用极简风格的高分辨率纹理创建,他们知道您的时间现在是多么宝贵,并且肯定会为您节省时间。这种设计友谊将使您 能够创造出令人惊叹的线性或轮廓艺术 等等。
您应该了解的具有连接粒子的 Adobe Photoshop 几何画笔的主要特征
There are many good geo things in the digital world. However, these Geometric Brushes It is something. So, they are:
- extremely versatile in retouching an image, adding drama to photo manipulation, or painting new details;
- paired with graphics tablets;
- ready to help you in creating stunning linear art;
- perfect for creating digital paintings;
- cool for adding texture and a distressed look to your illustrations.
Additional information:
Before purchasing the item, please check its additional characteristics:
- Add-on File Included: Photoshop ABR
- Graphics Files Included: Transparent PNG
- Pixel Dimensions: 5000+
PLEASE, don’t forget to rate it. Thank you!
Brush 79: Mist Photoshop brush set
82 unique Photoshop brushes
这些画笔也与 Photoshop CC+ 和 Procreate 5.0+ 兼容
Brush 80:Jingsketch Photoshop 画笔完整集合和终身更新
使用 完整系列将您的想法变为现实 – 我的 50 多种省时画笔全部 由世界各地的专业和有抱负的艺术家使用。这个画笔系列是从头开始慢慢构建的,不断针对多种创意挑战进行优化。
Jingsketch Photoshop 笔刷全集和终身更新
The best-selling brush pack fueling 100,000+ artists worldwide.
Bring your ideas to life with the Complete Collection — all of my 50+ time-saving brushes used by professional and aspiring artists around the world. This brush collection was slowly built from the ground up, continuously optimized for a multitude of creative challenges.
- Powerful industry-standard tools. These brushes and palettes are trusted by artists at Pixar, Epic Games, Gearbox, Mattel, and more.
- Suitable for any art style. Create anything, from finished commercial paintings to medical illustrations to sketchbook sketches.
- Easy to use. Easy to master. Brushes are organized into intuitive brushsets: Sketch, Paint, Smudge, and Soft.
Compatible with Photoshop, Fresco, Affinity, and applications that support ABR files. Procreate brush collection created and sold separately here.
What’s Included 
- Sketch – 21 precise brushes made for effortless sketching and linework.
- Paint – 24 expressive brushes designed to breathe life into your paintings.
- Smudge – 8 powerful brushes for easy and beautiful blending.
- Soft – 6 textured airbrushes, perfect for adding finishing touches.
- Lifetime Updates – new brushes and updates for free, forever, without a subscription.
Brushes and updates will be sent to your email and Gumroad Library, downloadable from any device.
Brush 81: Instapressionist Photoshop Brushes
AS FEATURED ON ADOBE CREATE MAGAZINE! | Compatible with Photoshop CS5+!
Early Access Pricing Ends Soon!
This complete set of 100 Instapressionist color-blending brushes takes advantage of Adobe Photoshop’s Pattern Stamp tool and allows Photoshop users of any skill level to turn a photographic image into creative and unique digital artwork. You simply grab a brush, start painting, and watch the magic unfold.
The beauty of this technique and specially developed brushes is that it is 100% pure photoshop brushes! There are no complicated actions, layer styles, filters, smart objects, or plugins!
Hacking the pattern stamp tool to create artistic, impressionist digital art without drawing ANYTHING!
This NEW technique combines not only the below-the-radar pattern stamp tool, but also the under-loved BRISTLE brush engine in Photoshop. By carefully developing a set of brushes based on this rather-overlooked standard within Photoshop, I was able to tailor a set of brushes that painted the pattern in a generally aligned manner, dispersing the pattern JUST enough to create an amazing impressionist version of whatever base photo or image you are using. You literally are painting in photos, and this technique and brush combination allows Photoshop users of ANY skill level to create creative, artistic digital artwork from an image without it looking like a computer generated effect. You simply grab a brush and start painting and watch the Photoshop brush magic unfold!
Included in the download is…
• The complete collection of 100 Instapressionist Brushes • A brush preview guide
Brush 82: Digital Painting Assets for Creative Designers
Download this beautiful collection of swatches, brushes and overlays for digital painting in Photoshop, created with real love for art, by talented artist Faery Design.
This collection features 7629 swatches and 644 brushes for Adobe Photoshop, plus 57 high-resolution masked elements to create delicate portraits, and artistic illustrations.
Includes a contact-sheet with a preview of all the digital assets.
Digital Painting Assets for Creative Designers
Download this beautiful collection of swatches, brushes and overlays for digital painting in Photoshop, created with real love for art, by talented artist Faery Design.
This collection features 7629 swatches and 644 brushes for Adobe Photoshop, plus 57 high-resolution masked elements to create delicate portraits, and artistic illustrations.
Includes a contact-sheet with a preview of all the digital assets.
Compatible with Photoshop CS6 – CC all versions.
All these assets can be used for both personal and commercial purposes, for yourself or on behalf of a client, or as part of your new design for sale.
画笔 83:数字网络湍流 Photoshop 画笔
包含的附加文件:Photoshop ABR
包含的图形文件:透明 PNG
数字网络湍流 Photoshop 画笔
我们消除您在数字、3D 或网络世界职业生涯中的无聊和失败!现在是新的创意运动设计和前所未见的现代艺术的时候了。看看时尚的画笔套装,它可打印且易于安装。别着急,仔细观察。当然,除了高质量、高分辨率、大数据和附加机会等特点之外,您还会看到更多东西。让我们假设这些将是您未来的技术或未来风格的图形对象。
进一步阅读,值得了解。关于这个抽象网格湍流和波浪网格 Photoshop ABR 画笔的一个更重要的事实是,您将收到一个文件夹,其中包含这套独一无二的抽象画笔的 10 个透明 PNG 文件。
Techno Futuristic Brushes and their superpowers
No more worrying about lack of time, fiddly work or old design ideas. These high-resolution lines brushes with grid surface will save you if you would like to:
retouch an image, add drama to a Photo manipulation, or paint new Elements;
create art lines 100% High Resolution;
have a unique Packaging;
form Minimalist painting style;
save time and take pleasure of a process.
Additional information:
Before purchasing the item, please check its additional characteristics:
Add-on File Included: Photoshop ABR
Graphics Files Included: Transparent PNG
Pixel Dimensions: 5000+
PLEASE, don’t forget to rate it. Thank yo
Brush 84: $10 TYP3PACK
Brush 85: 89 Watercolour photoshop Brushes
We are introducing another amazing set of watercolor brushes in our brush series. Digital watercolor painting was never this realistic and easy before. Add as much color as you want or go monochrome this set won’t disappoint you. You can play with bright, minimal, or a mix of colors using these brushes without spending a lot of time and effort.
These brushes are perfect for digital paintings, graphic designs, web designs, graphic printing, textile designs, apparel, home decor, packaging multiple varieties of products, or adding a flair to your brand. The only limit is your imagination!
The set includes a huge variety of brushes to provide different textures you want for your paintings or designs.
Features of this set:
- The brushes are high resolution and add noticeable details to the design.
- You can play with colors while using this set to match your brand or project without losing quality.
- You won’t be able to tell the difference between real watercolor brushes and this set.
- You only need a very basic knowledge of or Photoshop to use these brushes.
- 89 .abr brushes
Please note that these brushes have been tested on all the versions of Photoshop. Don’t hesitate to let us know if you need any help in using this product.
Brush 86: 68 Dry Markers Photoshop Brushes
I started drawing with my collection of real dry, grungy and smudgy pens and markers to create some base textures for these brushes. After that, I continued in Photoshop – I played with brushes settings, its flow, brush marks etc to make this collection of brushes!
- 有一个包含 68 个画笔的 ABR 文件,适用于 Adobe Photoshop CS3 和更高版本的 PS(CS3 是 PS 的最低要求版本)
- CSH 文件包含 4 个免费的 Adobe Photoshop 手工定制形状!
- 包含基本说明的 txt 文件
画笔的大小为 4 到 125 像素
非常适合编辑和时尚插图 – 使用无限制(允许个人和商业作品!)
只需 8 美元即可获得这些刷子!
画笔 87:60 个半色调 Photoshop 画笔
我们创建了这套 60 个半色调画笔,可以为您节省大量时间和精力。该捆绑包中的每支画笔都能提供非常酷且无缝的风格效果。这些画笔可以成为在您的设计中添加阴影的首选。这些画笔非常适合图形设计、网页设计、图形印刷、数字绘画、服装和家居装饰、包装多种产品或为您的品牌增添风格。你的想象力是唯一的限制!该套装包括各种刷子,可提供从非常明亮到简约的外观。
- 画笔具有高分辨率,可为设计增添美丽的细节。
- 您可以使用任何颜色和样式的这些画笔来匹配您的品牌或项目,而不会损失质量。
- 您只需要具备 Photoshop 的基本知识即可使用这些画笔。
请注意,这些画笔已在所有版本的 Photoshop 上进行了测试。如果您在使用本产品时需要任何帮助,请随时与我们联系。
画笔 88:50 个幽灵万圣节画笔
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上的 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本兼容。
画笔 89:50 种绘画艺术画笔 – 第 4 卷
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上的 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本兼容。
Brush 90:50 种绘画艺术画笔 – 第 1 卷
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上的 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本兼容。
画笔 91:50 支神奇水彩画笔 – 卷。2
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上兼容
画笔 92:50 支神奇水彩画笔 – 卷。1
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上的 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本兼容。
画笔 93:50 支手工水彩画笔 7
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上的 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本兼容。
画笔 94:50 支手工水彩画笔 6
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上的 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本兼容。
Brush 95:30 个 Photoshop 水彩画笔
30 Watercolor dynamic brushes for Photoshop CC.
Wacom and tablet compatible.
With this set you can achieve very natural painterly effects – ideal for Oil painting, portraits and digital fantasy work.
In the download you will receive:
– 30 Watercolor Brushes in .abr format
Pro brushes to texture and add interest to your artwork.
thank you
Brush 96: 30 Smoke Photoshop Brushes
Tired of burning stuff but still haven’t got that perfect smoky shot? Then STOP wasting your time! We have created a set of 30 realistic smoke brushes to fix your problem for you. You will not only be reducing pollution but also be adding impressive smoke effects with ease of a few clicks. This set will dissolve your need of buying a high quality camera which was destined to empty your bank account.
- 画笔具有高分辨率,可为设计添加明显的细节。
- 您还可以使用这些画笔进行数字绘画。
- 这些画笔也可以用作覆盖层。
- 您可以在使用此套装来搭配您的品牌或项目时玩转颜色,而不会损失质量并创造神奇的效果。
- 您只需要具备 Photoshop 的基本知识即可使用这些画笔。
请注意,这些画笔已在所有版本的 Photoshop 上进行了测试。如果您在使用本产品时需要任何帮助,请随时告诉我们。
Brush 97:30 个 Photoshop 油刷
30 个适用于 Photoshop CC 的油画动态画笔。
Wacom 和平板电脑兼容。
使用这套套件,您可以获得非常自然的绘画效果 – 非常适合油画、肖像和数字奇幻作品。
– 30 个 .abr 格式的油刷
画笔 98:21 个抽象飞溅画笔 – 卷。1
Brushes are perfect for creating posters, branding and packaging, business cards, logo design, invitations, social media design, greetings cards, pattern design and more.
You will get
Files in .abr file format which includes a set of 1500 brushes in high resolution.
These brushes compatible with Photoshop CS6 (13.0) and above and on both PC and Mac.
Brush 99: 20 Winter Magic Brushes
Create a unique design and get fun when you painting. You can use these brushes to realize your wildest ideas in design.
Brushes are perfect for creating posters, branding and packaging, business cards, logo design, invitations, social media design, greetings cards, pattern design and more.
You will get
Files in .abr file format which includes a set of 1500 brushes in high resolution.
These brushes compatible with Photoshop CS6 (13.0) and above and on both PC and Mac.
Brush 100: 18 Abstract Painting Brushes
Create a unique design and get fun when you painting. You can use these brushes to realize your wildest ideas in design.
Brushes are perfect for creating posters, branding and packaging, business cards, logo design, invitations, social media design, greetings cards, pattern design and more.
You will get
Files in .abr file format which includes a set of 1500 brushes in high resolution.
These brushes compatible with Photoshop CS6 (13.0) and above and on both PC and Mac.
How to Install and Manage Photoshop Brushes
To make the most of your Photoshop brushes, it’s crucial to know how to install, organize, and manage them efficiently.
Installing New Brushes
[Step-by-step guide on installing new brushes into Photoshop.]
Organizing and Grouping Brushes
充分利用 Photoshop 画笔的技巧
掌握 Photoshop 画笔的使用技巧可以显着增强您的数字艺术作品。
常见问题 (FAQ)
常见问题 1:如何创建自定义 Photoshop 画笔?
常见问题 2:是否有高级刷子的免费替代品?
常见问题 3:我可以在其他设计软件中使用这些画笔吗?
常见问题 4:这些画笔可以在旧版本的 Photoshop 上使用吗?
常见问题 5:广泛使用画笔时如何避免性能问题?
为 Photoshop 选择合适的画笔对于提升您的数字艺术作品至关重要。投资高品质的画笔将打开一个充满可能性的世界并释放您的创造力。尝试各种画笔,探索不同的风格,享受创造非凡数字艺术的旅程。
画笔 76:50 种绘画艺术画笔 – 第 3 卷
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
These brushes compatible with Photoshop CS6 (13.0) and above and on both PC and Mac.
Brush 76: Ultimate Photoshop Graffiti Kit
If you love graffiti and create with Photoshop, you came in the right place.
This kit is a collection of 40 brushes, 3 mock-ups templates, 3 customizable alphabets and +40 symbols and sample tags to realize underground graffiti design! I have been doing graffiti for over 6 years and, I want to give digital resources to people who enjoy working with Photoshop as much as I do.
Being right into the graffiti culture, I worked at my best to recreate an authentic atmosphere and mimic the real world in digital key.
The 40 brushes are specifically made of 19 types of markers, 11 spray textures, 5 splashes and 5 drips. Since I’m very passionate about this topic, I’ve studied and experimented until I was able to simulate the realistic feeling and texture of a spray can.
The 3 mock-ups templates are taken from true graffiti environments and scene of real life, such as under-construction buildings, trains or abandoned vehicles. Every single template is designed to give a realistic touch to your digital works, maintaining the structure of the surface underneath your painting.
Included in the kit you’ll find 20 symbols, 23 sample tags, and 3 alphabets, easy to combine for creating new designs very quickly. Every Alphabet is made of letters to drag and drop, making very simple the creation of new words and compositions!
Included in this set:
– 40 Pressure sensitive Photoshop (.ABR) brushes
– 3 Realistic mock-up templates (.PSD)
– +40 Symbols and sample tags in high quality (6000x4000px 350dpi, all as transparent .PNG)
– 3 Alphabets with drag and drop letters (4000x4000px 350dpi transparent .PNG)
– Instruction guide (.PDF file)
Brush 77: The Big One 900+ Brushes
SALE! SAVE $10! Celebrate new releases coming next Monday!
UPDATE! In celebration of my 104th sale I am giving you a present! When you download this set again, you will get a FREE sample of my watercolor layer styles- just released 3/5/2015. I am so grateful for everyone’s support and love of this set of brushes.
Keep watching my page: more handmade brushes COMING SOON! (Still creating some and I have to digitize all of them still…but some wicked cool stuff coming up!)
Oh, and here’s a link to the Watercolor Layer Styles- to help bring an even more realistic look to your watercolor designs!
Sometimes you just have to have it all. If that’s the case, then The Big One Brush Pack is the ONE for you.
Over 900 hand painted watercolor elements for all of your design ideas and fantasies!
I spent hours painting and designing to try and capture every little flower, dot and speckle you could ever need to make all the pretty things you could ever want! From birds to banners, flowers to fluff it’s all here.
I LOVE to make water-colored projects. But sometimes I just don’t feel like dragging all of my supplies out to make new projects. PLUS when I DO paint something, well, if I am not thrilled with where an object was painted I am just stuck- wasted paper, wasted supplies, wasted time. Growl. SO, I decided it was time to make watercolors with no mess and no commitment!
What you get: Over 900 hand painted watercolor Photoshop brushes
It helps if: You have used layers You like to play You have an adventurous spirit
What you DO NOT GET: The example ‘papers’ in images 3&4 are NOT included in this set of brushes- they are merely examples of work I have created with my brushes. They may be available at a later date, keep checking back, if I DO sell them, I will make note of it here.
Questions? Feel free to contact me any time!
画笔 78:带有连接线的粒子 Photoshop 画笔
这是一个新的好友请求。这 10 个非常高分辨率的 PS 画笔, 带有 连接的点和线,希望成为您最好的朋友。你可能会感到困惑,但不要急于拒绝那些生成图形的人。确实,一套 10 个优秀的 ps 画笔非常 易于安装,并且将有助于艺术家 处理照片、创建绘图和纹理等创意活动,尤其是在未来加密主题中。您将收到一个仅与 Adobe Photoshop兼容并可使用的 ABR 格式文件 。此外,还 包含 10 个透明 PNG 文件 in the archive of this set of brushes with fascinating details such as cybernetic particle, plexus, dot, and grid. Very likely, this creative mess will push you to new design experience.
Particles with Connected Lines Photoshop Brushes
Geometric Brushes for Adobe Photoshop with Connected Particles
It is a new friend request. These 10 very hi-res PS Brushes with connected dots and lines, would like to become your best friends. You may be in confusion, but don’t hurry to reject those generative graphics guys. Truly, a set of 10 excellent ps brushes is very easy to install and will helpful for artists in their creative activity as processing photos, creating drawings and textures, especially in the futuristic crypto theme. You will receive an ABR format file that is compatible and works with Adobe Photoshop only. Moreover, 10 Transparent PNG files included in the archive of this set of brushes with fascinating details such as cybernetic particle, plexus, dot, and grid. Very likely, this creative mess will push you to new design experience.
Are you keen on technology or science? Then you will have cool communication with these high tech photoshop brushes about the blockchain, molecule structure or even cyber safety. Created with high-resolution textures in a minimal style they know how your time is valuable nowadays and certainly will save it for you. That kind of design friendship will allow you to create stunning linear or contour art and more.
Main hallmarks of Geometric Brushes for Adobe Photoshop with connected particles you should know
There are many good geo things in the digital world. However, these Geometric Brushes It is something. So, they are:
- extremely versatile in retouching an image, adding drama to photo manipulation, or painting new details;
- paired with graphics tablets;
- ready to help you in creating stunning linear art;
- perfect for creating digital paintings;
- cool for adding texture and a distressed look to your illustrations.
Additional information:
Before purchasing the item, please check its additional characteristics:
- Add-on File Included: Photoshop ABR
- Graphics Files Included: Transparent PNG
- Pixel Dimensions: 5000+
PLEASE, don’t forget to rate it. Thank you!
Brush 79: Mist Photoshop brush set
82 unique Photoshop brushes
这些画笔也与 Photoshop CC+ 和 Procreate 5.0+ 兼容
Brush 80:Jingsketch Photoshop 画笔完整集合和终身更新
使用 完整系列将您的想法变为现实 – 我的 50 多种省时画笔全部 由世界各地的专业和有抱负的艺术家使用。这个画笔系列是从头开始慢慢构建的,不断针对多种创意挑战进行优化。
Jingsketch Photoshop 笔刷全集和终身更新
最畅销的画笔包为全球 100,000 多名艺术家提供动力。
使用 完整系列将您的想法变为现实 – 我的 50 多种省时画笔全部 由世界各地的专业和有抱负的艺术家使用。这个画笔系列是从头开始慢慢构建的,不断针对多种创意挑战进行优化。
- 强大的行业标准工具。 这些画笔和调色板受到 Pixar、 Epic Games、 Gearbox、 Mattel等艺术家的信赖。
- 适合任何艺术风格。 创造任何东西,从完成的商业绘画到医学插图再到素描本草图。
- Easy to use. Easy to master. Brushes are organized into intuitive brushsets: Sketch, Paint, Smudge, and Soft.
Compatible with Photoshop, Fresco, Affinity, and applications that support ABR files. Procreate brush collection created and sold separately here.
What’s Included 
- Sketch – 21 precise brushes made for effortless sketching and linework.
- Paint – 24 expressive brushes designed to breathe life into your paintings.
- Smudge – 8 powerful brushes for easy and beautiful blending.
- Soft – 6 textured airbrushes, perfect for adding finishing touches.
- Lifetime Updates – new brushes and updates for free, forever, without a subscription.
Brushes and updates will be sent to your email and Gumroad Library, downloadable from any device.
Brush 81: Instapressionist Photoshop Brushes
AS FEATURED ON ADOBE CREATE MAGAZINE! | Compatible with Photoshop CS5+!
Early Access Pricing Ends Soon!
This complete set of 100 Instapressionist color-blending brushes takes advantage of Adobe Photoshop’s Pattern Stamp tool and allows Photoshop users of any skill level to turn a photographic image into creative and unique digital artwork. You simply grab a brush, start painting, and watch the magic unfold.
The beauty of this technique and specially developed brushes is that it is 100% pure photoshop brushes! There are no complicated actions, layer styles, filters, smart objects, or plugins!
Hacking the pattern stamp tool to create artistic, impressionist digital art without drawing ANYTHING!
This NEW technique combines not only the below-the-radar pattern stamp tool, but also the under-loved BRISTLE brush engine in Photoshop. By carefully developing a set of brushes based on this rather-overlooked standard within Photoshop, I was able to tailor a set of brushes that painted the pattern in a generally aligned manner, dispersing the pattern JUST enough to create an amazing impressionist version of whatever base photo or image you are using. You literally are painting in photos, and this technique and brush combination allows Photoshop users of ANY skill level to create creative, artistic digital artwork from an image without it looking like a computer generated effect. You simply grab a brush and start painting and watch the Photoshop brush magic unfold!
Included in the download is…
• The complete collection of 100 Instapressionist Brushes • A brush preview guide
Brush 82: Digital Painting Assets for Creative Designers
Download this beautiful collection of swatches, brushes and overlays for digital painting in Photoshop, created with real love for art, by talented artist Faery Design.
This collection features 7629 swatches and 644 brushes for Adobe Photoshop, plus 57 high-resolution masked elements to create delicate portraits, and artistic illustrations.
Includes a contact-sheet with a preview of all the digital assets.
Digital Painting Assets for Creative Designers
Download this beautiful collection of swatches, brushes and overlays for digital painting in Photoshop, created with real love for art, by talented artist Faery Design.
This collection features 7629 swatches and 644 brushes for Adobe Photoshop, plus 57 high-resolution masked elements to create delicate portraits, and artistic illustrations.
Includes a contact-sheet with a preview of all the digital assets.
Compatible with Photoshop CS6 – CC all versions.
All these assets can be used for both personal and commercial purposes, for yourself or on behalf of a client, or as part of your new design for sale.
画笔 83:数字网络湍流 Photoshop 画笔
包含的附加文件:Photoshop ABR
包含的图形文件:透明 PNG
数字网络湍流 Photoshop 画笔
我们消除您在数字、3D 或网络世界职业生涯中的无聊和失败!现在是新的创意运动设计和前所未见的现代艺术的时候了。看看时尚的画笔套装,它可打印且易于安装。别着急,仔细观察。当然,除了高质量、高分辨率、大数据和附加机会等特点之外,您还会看到更多东西。让我们假设这些将是您未来的技术或未来风格的图形对象。
进一步阅读,值得了解。关于这个抽象网格湍流和波浪网格 Photoshop ABR 画笔的一个更重要的事实是,您将收到一个文件夹,其中包含这套独一无二的抽象画笔的 10 个透明 PNG 文件。
创建 100% 高分辨率的艺术线条;
包含的附加文件:Photoshop ABR
包含的图形文件:透明 PNG
刷子 84:10 美元 TYP3PACK
Brush 85: 89 Watercolour photoshop Brushes
We are introducing another amazing set of watercolor brushes in our brush series. Digital watercolor painting was never this realistic and easy before. Add as much color as you want or go monochrome this set won’t disappoint you. You can play with bright, minimal, or a mix of colors using these brushes without spending a lot of time and effort.
These brushes are perfect for digital paintings, graphic designs, web designs, graphic printing, textile designs, apparel, home decor, packaging multiple varieties of products, or adding a flair to your brand. The only limit is your imagination!
The set includes a huge variety of brushes to provide different textures you want for your paintings or designs.
Features of this set:
- The brushes are high resolution and add noticeable details to the design.
- You can play with colors while using this set to match your brand or project without losing quality.
- You won’t be able to tell the difference between real watercolor brushes and this set.
- You only need a very basic knowledge of or Photoshop to use these brushes.
- 89 .abr brushes
Please note that these brushes have been tested on all the versions of Photoshop. Don’t hesitate to let us know if you need any help in using this product.
Brush 86: 68 Dry Markers Photoshop Brushes
I started drawing with my collection of real dry, grungy and smudgy pens and markers to create some base textures for these brushes. After that, I continued in Photoshop – I played with brushes settings, its flow, brush marks etc to make this collection of brushes!
- 有一个包含 68 个画笔的 ABR 文件,适用于 Adobe Photoshop CS3 和更高版本的 PS(CS3 是 PS 的最低要求版本)
- CSH 文件包含 4 个免费的 Adobe Photoshop 手工定制形状!
- 包含基本说明的 txt 文件
画笔的大小为 4 到 125 像素
非常适合编辑和时尚插图 – 使用无限制(允许个人和商业作品!)
只需 8 美元即可获得这些刷子!
画笔 87:60 个半色调 Photoshop 画笔
我们创建了这套 60 个半色调画笔,可以为您节省大量时间和精力。该捆绑包中的每支画笔都能提供非常酷且无缝的风格效果。这些画笔可以成为在您的设计中添加阴影的首选。这些画笔非常适合图形设计、网页设计、图形印刷、数字绘画、服装和家居装饰、包装多种产品或为您的品牌增添风格。你的想象力是唯一的限制!该套装包括各种刷子,可提供从非常明亮到简约的外观。
- 画笔具有高分辨率,可为设计增添美丽的细节。
- 您可以使用任何颜色和样式的这些画笔来匹配您的品牌或项目,而不会损失质量。
- 您只需要具备 Photoshop 的基本知识即可使用这些画笔。
请注意,这些画笔已在所有版本的 Photoshop 上进行了测试。如果您在使用本产品时需要任何帮助,请随时与我们联系。
画笔 88:50 个幽灵万圣节画笔
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上的 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本兼容。
画笔 89:50 种绘画艺术画笔 – 第 4 卷
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上的 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本兼容。
Brush 90:50 种绘画艺术画笔 – 第 1 卷
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上的 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本兼容。
画笔 91:50 支神奇水彩画笔 – 卷。2
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上兼容
画笔 92:50 支神奇水彩画笔 – 卷。1
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上的 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本兼容。
画笔 93:50 支手工水彩画笔 7
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上的 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本兼容。
画笔 94:50 支手工水彩画笔 6
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上的 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本兼容。
Brush 95:30 个 Photoshop 水彩画笔
30 Watercolor dynamic brushes for Photoshop CC.
Wacom and tablet compatible.
With this set you can achieve very natural painterly effects – ideal for Oil painting, portraits and digital fantasy work.
In the download you will receive:
– 30 Watercolor Brushes in .abr format
Pro brushes to texture and add interest to your artwork.
thank you
Brush 96: 30 Smoke Photoshop Brushes
Tired of burning stuff but still haven’t got that perfect smoky shot? Then STOP wasting your time! We have created a set of 30 realistic smoke brushes to fix your problem for you. You will not only be reducing pollution but also be adding impressive smoke effects with ease of a few clicks. This set will dissolve your need of buying a high quality camera which was destined to empty your bank account.
These brushes are perfect for graphic designs, web designs, graphic printing, digital paintings, apparel, and home decor, packaging multiple varieties of products, or adding a flair to your brand.
The only limit is your imagination! The set includes a variety of smokes to provide the different looks you want for your projects.
Features of this set:
- The brushes are high resolution and add noticeable details to the design.
- You can also use these brushes to paint digitally.
- These brushes can also be used as overlays.
- You can play with colors while using this set to match your brand or project without losing quality and create magical effects.
- You only need a very basic knowledge of Photoshop to use these brushes.
Please note that these brushes have been tested on all the versions of Photoshop. Don’t hesitate to let us know if you need any help in using this product.
Brush 97: 30 Oil Brushes For Photoshop
30 Oil dynamic brushes for Photoshop CC.
Wacom and tablet compatible.
With this set you can achieve very natural painterly effects – ideal for Oil painting, portraits and digital fantasy work.
In the download you will receive:
– 30 Oil Brushes in .abr format
Pro brushes to texture and add interest to your artwork.
thank you
Brush 98: 21 Abstract Splash Brushes – Vol. 1
Create a unique design and get fun when you painting. You can use these brushes to realize your wildest ideas in design.
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上的 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本兼容。
画笔 99:20 支冬季魔法画笔
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上的 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本兼容。
Brush 100:18 支抽象绘画画笔
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上的 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本兼容。
如何安装和管理 Photoshop 画笔
为了充分利用 Photoshop 画笔,了解如何有效地安装、组织和管理它们至关重要。
[在 Photoshop 中安装新画笔的分步指南。]
[Tips on organizing and grouping brushes for easy access.]
Removing Unwanted Brushes
[Instructions on removing unwanted or unused brushes from the library.]
Tips for Getting the Most Out of Photoshop Brushes
Mastering the art of using Photoshop brushes can significantly enhance your digital artwork.
Understanding Brush Settings
[Explanation of various brush settings and how they influence strokes.]
Exploring Brush Blending Modes
[Guide to using blending modes to achieve stunning effects.]
Incorporating Texture and Dynamics
[Tips for adding texture and dynamics to your artwork using brushes.]
Expert Insights on Choosing the Right Brushes
To gain further insights into the selection process, we consulted expert artists who shared their valuable recommendations.
Considering the Art Style
[Expert advice on matching brushes to specific art styles.]
Evaluating Brush Performance
[Insights into evaluating brush performance for optimal results.]
Mixing and Matching Brushes
[Tips on creatively combining different brushes to create unique effects.]
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
FAQ 1: How can I create my custom Photoshop brushes?
[Answer to the first frequently asked question.]
FAQ 2: Are there any free alternatives to premium brushes?
[Answer to the second frequently asked question.]
FAQ 3: Can I use these brushes in other design software?
[Answer to the third frequently asked question.]
FAQ 4: Will these brushes work on older versions of Photoshop?
[Answer to the fourth frequently asked question.]
FAQ 5: How do I avoid performance issues when using brushes extensively?
[Answer to the fifth frequently asked question.]
为 Photoshop 选择合适的画笔对于提升您的数字艺术作品至关重要。投资高品质的画笔将打开一个充满可能性的世界并释放您的创造力。尝试各种画笔,探索不同的风格,享受创造非凡数字艺术的旅程。
Brush 76: 50 Painting Artistic Brushes – Vol.3
Create a unique design and get fun when you painting. You can use these brushes to realize your wildest ideas in design.
Brushes are perfect for creating posters, branding and packaging, business cards, logo design, invitations, social media design, greetings cards, pattern design, and more.
You will get
Files in .abr file format which includes a set of 1500 brushes in high resolution.
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上的 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本兼容。
Brush 76:终极 Photoshop 涂鸦套件
如果您喜欢涂鸦并喜欢使用 Photoshop 进行创作,那么您来对地方了。
该套件包含 40 个画笔、3 个模型模板、3 个可自定义字母和 +40 个符号和示例标签,可实现地下涂鸦设计!我从事涂鸦工作已有 6 年多了,我想为像我一样喜欢使用 Photoshop 的人们提供数字资源。
40 支画笔由 19 种标记、11 种喷雾纹理、5 种泼溅和 5 种滴水专门制成。由于我对这个主题非常热衷,所以我进行了研究和实验,直到能够模拟喷雾罐的真实感觉和质感。
这 3 个模型模板取自真实的涂鸦环境和现实生活场景,例如在建建筑、火车或废弃车辆。每个模板的设计目的都是为了给您的数字作品带来真实的触感,同时保持绘画下方的表面结构。
套件中包含 20 个符号、23 个示例标签和 3 个字母,可轻松组合以快速创建新设计。每个字母表都是由可拖放的字母组成,使创建新单词和组合变得非常简单!
– 40 Pressure sensitive Photoshop (.ABR) brushes
– 3 Realistic mock-up templates (.PSD)
– +40 Symbols and sample tags in high quality (6000x4000px 350dpi, all as transparent .PNG)
– 3 Alphabets with drag and drop letters (4000x4000px 350dpi transparent .PNG)
– Instruction guide (.PDF file)
Brush 77: The Big One 900+ Brushes
SALE! SAVE $10! Celebrate new releases coming next Monday!
UPDATE! In celebration of my 104th sale I am giving you a present! When you download this set again, you will get a FREE sample of my watercolor layer styles- just released 3/5/2015. I am so grateful for everyone’s support and love of this set of brushes.
Keep watching my page: more handmade brushes COMING SOON! (Still creating some and I have to digitize all of them still…but some wicked cool stuff coming up!)
Oh, and here’s a link to the Watercolor Layer Styles- to help bring an even more realistic look to your watercolor designs!
Sometimes you just have to have it all. If that’s the case, then The Big One Brush Pack is the ONE for you.
Over 900 hand painted watercolor elements for all of your design ideas and fantasies!
I spent hours painting and designing to try and capture every little flower, dot and speckle you could ever need to make all the pretty things you could ever want! From birds to banners, flowers to fluff it’s all here.
I LOVE to make water-colored projects. But sometimes I just don’t feel like dragging all of my supplies out to make new projects. PLUS when I DO paint something, well, if I am not thrilled with where an object was painted I am just stuck- wasted paper, wasted supplies, wasted time. Growl. SO, I decided it was time to make watercolors with no mess and no commitment!
What you get: Over 900 hand painted watercolor Photoshop brushes
It helps if: You have used layers You like to play You have an adventurous spirit
What you DO NOT GET: The example ‘papers’ in images 3&4 are NOT included in this set of brushes- they are merely examples of work I have created with my brushes. They may be available at a later date, keep checking back, if I DO sell them, I will make note of it here.
Questions? Feel free to contact me any time!
Brush 78: Particles with Connected Lines Photoshop Brushes
It is a new friend request. These 10 very hi-res PS Brushes with connected dots and lines, would like to become your best friends. You may be in confusion, but don’t hurry to reject those generative graphics guys. Truly, a set of 10 excellent ps brushes is very easy to install and will helpful for artists in their creative activity as processing photos, creating drawings and textures, especially in the futuristic crypto theme. You will receive an ABR format file that is compatible and works with Adobe Photoshop only. Moreover, 10 Transparent PNG files included in the archive of this set of brushes with fascinating details such as cybernetic particle, plexus, dot, and grid. Very likely, this creative mess will push you to new design experience.
Particles with Connected Lines Photoshop Brushes
Geometric Brushes for Adobe Photoshop with Connected Particles
It is a new friend request. These 10 very hi-res PS Brushes with connected dots and lines, would like to become your best friends. You may be in confusion, but don’t hurry to reject those generative graphics guys. Truly, a set of 10 excellent ps brushes is very easy to install and will helpful for artists in their creative activity as processing photos, creating drawings and textures, especially in the futuristic crypto theme. You will receive an ABR format file that is compatible and works with Adobe Photoshop only. Moreover, 10 Transparent PNG files included in the archive of this set of brushes with fascinating details such as cybernetic particle, plexus, dot, and grid. Very likely, this creative mess will push you to new design experience.
Are you keen on technology or science? Then you will have cool communication with these high tech photoshop brushes about the blockchain, molecule structure or even cyber safety. Created with high-resolution textures in a minimal style they know how your time is valuable nowadays and certainly will save it for you. That kind of design friendship will allow you to create stunning linear or contour art and more.
Main hallmarks of Geometric Brushes for Adobe Photoshop with connected particles you should know
There are many good geo things in the digital world. However, these Geometric Brushes It is something. So, they are:
- extremely versatile in retouching an image, adding drama to photo manipulation, or painting new details;
- paired with graphics tablets;
- ready to help you in creating stunning linear art;
- perfect for creating digital paintings;
- cool for adding texture and a distressed look to your illustrations.
Additional information:
Before purchasing the item, please check its additional characteristics:
- Add-on File Included: Photoshop ABR
- Graphics Files Included: Transparent PNG
- Pixel Dimensions: 5000+
PLEASE, don’t forget to rate it. Thank you!
Brush 79: Mist Photoshop brush set
82 unique Photoshop brushes
这些画笔也与 Photoshop CC+ 和 Procreate 5.0+ 兼容
Brush 80:Jingsketch Photoshop 画笔完整集合和终身更新
使用 完整系列将您的想法变为现实 – 我的 50 多种省时画笔全部 由世界各地的专业和有抱负的艺术家使用。这个画笔系列是从头开始慢慢构建的,不断针对多种创意挑战进行优化。
Jingsketch Photoshop 笔刷全集和终身更新
The best-selling brush pack fueling 100,000+ artists worldwide.
Bring your ideas to life with the Complete Collection — all of my 50+ time-saving brushes used by professional and aspiring artists around the world. This brush collection was slowly built from the ground up, continuously optimized for a multitude of creative challenges.
- Powerful industry-standard tools. These brushes and palettes are trusted by artists at Pixar, Epic Games, Gearbox, Mattel, and more.
- Suitable for any art style. Create anything, from finished commercial paintings to medical illustrations to sketchbook sketches.
- Easy to use. Easy to master. Brushes are organized into intuitive brushsets: Sketch, Paint, Smudge, and Soft.
Compatible with Photoshop, Fresco, Affinity, and applications that support ABR files. Procreate brush collection created and sold separately here.
What’s Included 
- Sketch – 21 precise brushes made for effortless sketching and linework.
- Paint – 24 expressive brushes designed to breathe life into your paintings.
- Smudge – 8 powerful brushes for easy and beautiful blending.
- Soft – 6 textured airbrushes, perfect for adding finishing touches.
- Lifetime Updates – new brushes and updates for free, forever, without a subscription.
Brushes and updates will be sent to your email and Gumroad Library, downloadable from any device.
Brush 81: Instapressionist Photoshop Brushes
AS FEATURED ON ADOBE CREATE MAGAZINE! | Compatible with Photoshop CS5+!
Early Access Pricing Ends Soon!
This complete set of 100 Instapressionist color-blending brushes takes advantage of Adobe Photoshop’s Pattern Stamp tool and allows Photoshop users of any skill level to turn a photographic image into creative and unique digital artwork. You simply grab a brush, start painting, and watch the magic unfold.
The beauty of this technique and specially developed brushes is that it is 100% pure photoshop brushes! There are no complicated actions, layer styles, filters, smart objects, or plugins!
Hacking the pattern stamp tool to create artistic, impressionist digital art without drawing ANYTHING!
This NEW technique combines not only the below-the-radar pattern stamp tool, but also the under-loved BRISTLE brush engine in Photoshop. By carefully developing a set of brushes based on this rather-overlooked standard within Photoshop, I was able to tailor a set of brushes that painted the pattern in a generally aligned manner, dispersing the pattern JUST enough to create an amazing impressionist version of whatever base photo or image you are using. You literally are painting in photos, and this technique and brush combination allows Photoshop users of ANY skill level to create creative, artistic digital artwork from an image without it looking like a computer generated effect. You simply grab a brush and start painting and watch the Photoshop brush magic unfold!
Included in the download is…
• The complete collection of 100 Instapressionist Brushes • A brush preview guide
Brush 82: Digital Painting Assets for Creative Designers
Download this beautiful collection of swatches, brushes and overlays for digital painting in Photoshop, created with real love for art, by talented artist Faery Design.
This collection features 7629 swatches and 644 brushes for Adobe Photoshop, plus 57 high-resolution masked elements to create delicate portraits, and artistic illustrations.
Includes a contact-sheet with a preview of all the digital assets.
Digital Painting Assets for Creative Designers
Download this beautiful collection of swatches, brushes and overlays for digital painting in Photoshop, created with real love for art, by talented artist Faery Design.
This collection features 7629 swatches and 644 brushes for Adobe Photoshop, plus 57 high-resolution masked elements to create delicate portraits, and artistic illustrations.
Includes a contact-sheet with a preview of all the digital assets.
Compatible with Photoshop CS6 – CC all versions.
All these assets can be used for both personal and commercial purposes, for yourself or on behalf of a client, or as part of your new design for sale.
Cannot be resold, shared, transferred, or otherwise redistributed on its own. You cannot share these resources with others.
Brush 83: Digital Network Turbulence Photoshop Brushes
Before purchasing the item, please check its additional characteristics:
Add-on File Included: Photoshop ABR
Graphics Files Included: Transparent PNG
Pixel Dimensions: 5000+
Digital Network Turbulence Photoshop Brushes
We cancel boredom and failure in your professional career in digital, 3d or web worlds! It is time for new creative motion design and modern art that nobody has seen before. Take a gaze on the stylish brush set that is print ready and easy to install. Don’t be rush, watch carefully. Surely, besides their characteristics as high-quality, high-res, big data, and add-ons opportunity you will see something more. Let us assume that these will be your future graphics objects in techno or futuristic style.
Enchanted by the subtle surface with wavy grid and outline waves in a minimalist style you can hardly resist against the artistic and decorative flow of ideas in your mind. Our advice: don’t stop it. Trust yourself first and trust this dynamic network turbulence brush. It can’t be costly in terms of time and energy. Because with their abstract linear textures and contour wave with tech nontrivial ornament you will be able to do amazing textures fills patterns, change photo effect, paint stunning Illustration and shape your own decoration with pleasure, clean and speedily.
Read further, it is worthy to know. One more essential fact about this abstract grid turbulence and wavy grid photoshop ABR brushes is that you will receive a folder with 10 transparent PNG files of this set of one-of-a-kind abstract brushes.
Don’t forget that you can use them as textures for your digital projects, create abstraction shapes, add ons to photo effects or to graphic materials.
As you know, the urban, futuristic and technology styles are in demand and modern nowadays. The art of making big data beautiful is taking the world by storm. Data visualization experts and artists are creating amazing things such as photography, pattern, background, and texture in the world of data design every single day.
So, don’t miss a chance to write your life text. Whatever it would be grid surface wallpaper, contour wave effect or another linear design element. You are an artist and there is no plan B for passion.
Techno Futuristic Brushes and their superpowers
No more worrying about lack of time, fiddly work or old design ideas. These high-resolution lines brushes with grid surface will save you if you would like to:
retouch an image, add drama to a Photo manipulation, or paint new Elements;
create art lines 100% High Resolution;
have a unique Packaging;
form Minimalist painting style;
save time and take pleasure of a process.
Additional information:
Before purchasing the item, please check its additional characteristics:
Add-on File Included: Photoshop ABR
Graphics Files Included: Transparent PNG
Pixel Dimensions: 5000+
PLEASE, don’t forget to rate it. Thank yo
Brush 84: $10 TYP3PACK
Brush 85: 89 Watercolour photoshop Brushes
We are introducing another amazing set of watercolor brushes in our brush series. Digital watercolor painting was never this realistic and easy before. Add as much color as you want or go monochrome this set won’t disappoint you. You can play with bright, minimal, or a mix of colors using these brushes without spending a lot of time and effort.
These brushes are perfect for digital paintings, graphic designs, web designs, graphic printing, textile designs, apparel, home decor, packaging multiple varieties of products, or adding a flair to your brand. The only limit is your imagination!
The set includes a huge variety of brushes to provide different textures you want for your paintings or designs.
Features of this set:
- The brushes are high resolution and add noticeable details to the design.
- You can play with colors while using this set to match your brand or project without losing quality.
- You won’t be able to tell the difference between real watercolor brushes and this set.
- You only need a very basic knowledge of or Photoshop to use these brushes.
- 89 .abr brushes
Please note that these brushes have been tested on all the versions of Photoshop. Don’t hesitate to let us know if you need any help in using this product.
Brush 86: 68 Dry Markers Photoshop Brushes
I started drawing with my collection of real dry, grungy and smudgy pens and markers to create some base textures for these brushes. After that, I continued in Photoshop – I played with brushes settings, its flow, brush marks etc to make this collection of brushes!
Everything is drawing and painting friendly, so your PC won´t be lagging. As many people, I hate if something is slowing me, so I concentrated on best workflow.
What will you get:
- there is one ABR file with 68 Brushes for Adobe Photoshop CS3 and higher versions of PS (CS3 is minimal required version of PS)
- CSH file that contains 4 free hand-made custom shapes for Adobe Photoshop!
- txt file with basic instructions
Size of brushes is from 4 to 125 pixels
Great for editorial and fashion illustrations – no limits to use (personal and commercial works allowed!)
Look at my illustrations, that I made with these brushes. It´s simple and fun to use them!
You will get these brushes for only 8$!
Purchase it and have fun!
Brush 87: 60 Halftone Photoshop Brushes
We have created this set of 60 halftone brushes to save you a lot of time and effort. Every brush in this bundle gives a very cool and seamless effect with style. These brushes can be a go-to choice to add shades in your designs. These brushes are perfect for graphic designs, web designs, graphic printing, digital paintings, apparel and home decor, packaging multiple varieties of products, or adding a flair to your brand. The only limit is your imagination! The set includes variety of brushes to provide looks from a very bright to minimal.
Features of this set:
- The brushes are high resolution and add beautiful details to design.
- You can use these brushes in any color and style to match your brand or project without losing quality.
- You only need a basic knowledge of Photoshop to use these brushes.
请注意,这些画笔已在所有版本的 Photoshop 上进行了测试。如果您在使用本产品时需要任何帮助,请随时与我们联系。
画笔 88:50 个幽灵万圣节画笔
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上的 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本兼容。
画笔 89:50 种绘画艺术画笔 – 第 4 卷
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上的 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本兼容。
Brush 90:50 种绘画艺术画笔 – 第 1 卷
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上的 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本兼容。
画笔 91:50 支神奇水彩画笔 – 卷。2
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上兼容
画笔 92:50 支神奇水彩画笔 – 卷。1
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上的 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本兼容。
画笔 93:50 支手工水彩画笔 7
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上的 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本兼容。
画笔 94:50 支手工水彩画笔 6
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上的 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本兼容。
Brush 95:30 个 Photoshop 水彩画笔
30 Watercolor dynamic brushes for Photoshop CC.
Wacom and tablet compatible.
With this set you can achieve very natural painterly effects – ideal for Oil painting, portraits and digital fantasy work.
In the download you will receive:
– 30 Watercolor Brushes in .abr format
Pro brushes to texture and add interest to your artwork.
thank you
Brush 96: 30 Smoke Photoshop Brushes
Tired of burning stuff but still haven’t got that perfect smoky shot? Then STOP wasting your time! We have created a set of 30 realistic smoke brushes to fix your problem for you. You will not only be reducing pollution but also be adding impressive smoke effects with ease of a few clicks. This set will dissolve your need of buying a high quality camera which was destined to empty your bank account.
These brushes are perfect for graphic designs, web designs, graphic printing, digital paintings, apparel, and home decor, packaging multiple varieties of products, or adding a flair to your brand.
The only limit is your imagination! The set includes a variety of smokes to provide the different looks you want for your projects.
Features of this set:
- The brushes are high resolution and add noticeable details to the design.
- You can also use these brushes to paint digitally.
- These brushes can also be used as overlays.
- You can play with colors while using this set to match your brand or project without losing quality and create magical effects.
- You only need a very basic knowledge of Photoshop to use these brushes.
请注意,这些画笔已在所有版本的 Photoshop 上进行了测试。如果您在使用本产品时需要任何帮助,请随时告诉我们。
Brush 97:30 个 Photoshop 油刷
30 个适用于 Photoshop CC 的油画动态画笔。
Wacom 和平板电脑兼容。
使用这套套件,您可以获得非常自然的绘画效果 – 非常适合油画、肖像和数字奇幻作品。
– 30 个 .abr 格式的油刷
画笔 98:21 个抽象飞溅画笔 – 卷。1
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上的 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本兼容。
画笔 99:20 支冬季魔法画笔
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上的 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本兼容。
Brush 100:18 支抽象绘画画笔
.abr 文件格式的文件,其中包括一组 1500 个高分辨率画笔。
这些画笔与 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本以及 PC 和 Mac 上的 Photoshop CS6 (13.0) 及更高版本兼容。
如何安装和管理 Photoshop 画笔
为了充分利用 Photoshop 画笔,了解如何有效地安装、组织和管理它们至关重要。
[在 Photoshop 中安装新画笔的分步指南。]
充分利用 Photoshop 画笔的技巧
掌握 Photoshop 画笔的使用技巧可以显着增强您的数字艺术作品。
常见问题 (FAQ)
常见问题 1:如何创建自定义 Photoshop 画笔?
常见问题 2:是否有高级刷子的免费替代品?
常见问题 3:我可以在其他设计软件中使用这些画笔吗?
常见问题 4:这些画笔可以在旧版本的 Photoshop 上使用吗?
常见问题 5:广泛使用画笔时如何避免性能问题?
为 Photoshop 选择合适的画笔对于提升您的数字艺术作品至关重要。投资高品质的画笔将打开一个充满可能性的世界并释放您的创造力。尝试各种画笔,探索不同的风格,享受创造非凡数字艺术的旅程。